Now, THAT'S good eatin'!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Q: "Parlez-vous Francais?"

A: "NO!"  I have, however, been fortunate to have worked amongst several great French chefs in the last couple weeks.  Pictured above (photo taken 1/14/13) are French Translator: James, Yours Truly, and French Chefs Yannick Jagernaud, and Frederic.  These guys have helped me and my classmates make some of the most beautiful food I've ever laid my lips on!  Tomorrow I have my French Gourmet Dinner, which I'm extremely excited about!  I volunteered to help with the Amuse Bouche (pre-appetizer) which has proven to be just as challenging as I'd hoped it'd be!  Look for pictures of the final products, here are several taken during the demos that Frederic and Yannick prepared for us.  I'll update with names in the next few days. 

Lobster Salad with Avacado

Amuse Bouche (L-R: Foie Gras Bonbon, Parmesan Crab, Pate Choux with Cauliflower Mouse, Caramel-Covered Cherry Tomato dipped in Toasted Sesame Seeds, Sauteed Shrimp in Red Pepper Risotto


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