Now, THAT'S good eatin'!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Begin Sequence: Countdown til Graduation! Starting in 10, 9.....

Hi.  So for whatever reason, I decided (just as randomly as I'd initially made the decision) to participation in the graduation ceremony in May.  So, now I'm counting down to May 1!  I GOL (giggled out loud) as I submitted my application; they asked height, how you want your name to appear, so on, so forth....the application asked for the cap size.  [play track: empty space, crickets chirping]  Umm, do what?  I haven't worn a hat since.....  [play track: empty space, crickets chirping] ..... so I have no idea (!) what size cap I'm going to need!  I guesstimated (yeah, I SAID IT!).  I'm aware that I have a big head as it is (stop laughing!) and with the size of my hair making it even more mammoth, I picked one of the biggest sizes.  Fear not though, I have several months to figure this out!  I'm excited though because now I get to figure out who to invite, invitations, and all of that rigamarole!  I'll be graduating with honors, assuming I don't completely flub through this final semester! 

In other news, today was the first day of the semester.  I greatly enjoyed the 3 week break!  Going back was exciting.  Met some new instructors, went over everything anyone thought needed to be gone over (which this nerd thoroughly enjoys!), but urruhhumm, some of my classmates drive me NUTS!  Pray for me.  Again, countdown til May 1! 


  1. So very glad that you decided to participate in your commencement exercises. If for no other reason, you deserve to walk across a giant stage to mark the completion of your accomplishment. I could not be more proud of, or excited for you! For as much as you enjoy the education portion of your career choice, just think, your best is yet to come! Grab hold, for your latter will be greater!

    For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11

    I will join you in the countdown and you know, I will be there!! Can. Not. Wait!


  2. You know that made me cry. Right? (GOL) Thanks and love you lots!
