So, apparently, I blogged once last year and then........ Yup.
I'm not sure what I was busy doing, but I PROMISE I'll (try to) do better!
Well, what's new with you all? Did 2012 treat you well? What's new with me, you ask? Not a whole heck of a lot. Still in school. Graduating in May (technically, I'm "finishing" in May; I don't plan on participating in the Commencement Ceremony). My 5 year old has taking up dance - he tap dances on my nerves ALL DAY! Gained 20 pounds (yes, I CAN admit that). Still single. kinda. Loving life. Very much in love with God! I started Zumba over the summer and I'm completely addicted. I'm something like a Zumba-junkie.
Since 2013 is here, a lot is up my sleeves in the next few months. Website, new business, success - and I'm getting nervious! Still considering the Dietetics program at ISU; I hope to have my decision made by next Monday!!!
I hope to get back to where I was with this blog - posting several times each week with fun little nuggets of information. I'm really enjoying the questions I get from my peeps these days: "what kind of cookwear should I buy? Do you have a recipe for ________? Can you come over and show me how to make ______?" Keep the questions coming, folks! Stay tuned and be blessed.
All Love,
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