I'm glad that you were favored by God and allowed to see this new year with me! I feel like I write about myself so much that it'd be great to hear from you! What do you have in store for this year? Any resolutions? Quitting anything? New goals? Starting a new regimen? Tell me about you and what you intend to accomplish this year? Comment on this post by using the link immediately below this post (you know, the one that says "POST A COMMENT") and share your plans with the world.
I'll share a few of mine while you're here. A few years ago, I had the epiphany that New Years Resolutions are bogus. If you have issues on Dec 31, you likely have them mid-year also, so why not just create goals and objectives for yourself rather than stress yourself out and trying to flip a switch in your life when you flip the calendar? With that said, I haven't resolved to do a damn thing :p I have, however, identified some short term goals and "to-do's"; a few are as follows:
- Continue to exercise 3-4+ days each week for a minimum of 60 minutes. I think, breathe, and sleep food, and it's starting to show, lol! So Mission Counteract must remain an active campaign!
- Try new recipes at least once a week. See! I told you I think, breathe.....! I'm doing this to expand my knowledge, technique, and kitchen gadget artillery.
- Organize my mail more often. STOP LAUGHING! I know that I can NOT be the only person out there who sometimes lets the mail stack get waaaay out of control????? I get so sick of looking at messy piles of yuck, that I have rethought my system and will hopefully stick to it.
- Read more. Just before Christmas, I considered buying a Kindle, but I was quickly reminded of one very important thing about myself - I do NOT enjoy reading!! I haven't read for leisure since.... well, let's just say I haven't read for fun since adulthood (those of you who know how old I am are going "WHOOOOAAAA!"). So, I'm in the process of trying to figure out exactly what type of books I like to read. I've visited the Ankeny library several times, and I came out with mostly - guess what - COOK BOOKS!!! I did borrow a Danielle Steel book (couldn't tell you it's title) and read a chapter of it. That was over 3 weeks ago! I'm sure it's probably overdue by now and guess what - the late notice is likely sitting in a messy pile of mail!!! AGHHHH!
My goal for 2012 is to gain control of my workout regime; with that the built will be right lol