Like a Roulette ball, I've spun in circles a few times but believe I've fallen into place. Only in the second week/fourth day of classes, I'm starting to get the hang of my new life. I've began developing friendships with classmates, learning (and in some cases disliking) the teaching styles of my instructors, becoming accustomed to my new schedule, re-establishing study habits, the list goes on...
In addition to academics, this week I have found myself using skills I've long possessed. Yesterday I facilitated a work group and offered relevant opinions and observations in discussions. Just this morning I helped an older student with a homework assignment when he found himself in unfamiliar land (using a computer). It excites me to do the things that I've always done except for doing these things in a different setting. Reflection tells me that I've always done well at adapting to change while reality reminds me that I'd had a while to adapt.
School has also brought about a great deal of entertainment. Finding humor in younger students' immaturity is at the top of the list. "Who acts like that?!?!?" In one class this week, I ran around a restaurant dining room 4 times racing with empty trays, plated trays, and coffee cups. Yes, I physically ran! No, no one recorded and you will NOT find it on YouTube! Yes, I lived to tell about it. (I digress). This afternoon, I climbed a rock wall outside the student services building and toured the campus' fitness center.
Tomorrow I'll order my chef's coats and pants and other uniforms - which, beginning next Tuesday, will end my dilemma of having to decide what to wear to class for the next 2 years (bummer, right?)! I might be the sexiest thing that a chef's uniform has ever seen!
Life's grand and all is well! I'm still excited about what I'm doing and also about what lies ahead and am extremely proud of what I am reaching toward and have not yet achieved. I wish more people could experience the great joy that I live in right now. Falling into my groove feels better than I'd ever imagined it would!
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