Now, THAT'S good eatin'!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

About "All Things Divine"

Q: Why "All Things Divine"?

A: I am at several points of transformation in my life.  In my walk with God, my career and education, as well as in relationships.  If you know me personally, you know that I'm going through an exciting time in my life.  I'll soon be going back to school to study a field that I've long been interested in - Culinary Arts.  Although I'd considered and even attempted to do this a while ago, my attempts were not successful.  With my employer's decision to close the division of the company that I work for, however, I quickly realized that my previous attempts were God interceding and reaffirming that I need to follow His path and not my own.  I'm truly excited and feel blessed to be going through a layoff!  (Who finds joy in losing their job??)  This situation is definitely a gift and I cannot be convinced otherwise! 

My plan is to be a Personal Chef, Restaurant Consultant, Dietary Manager, and eventually Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist.  You'll note that I said "plan" and not "goal"...this is what is GOING to be for my life, NOT what I hope for!  By the time you read this, I'll have a few days left before I begin the Culinary Arts program at DMACC.  After those short 2 years, I plan to transfer to ISU to study Dietetics and Exercise Science.  The plan is to never be employed again!  (Yes, you read that correctly!)  I've known for a very long time that being employed and working for other people is not what brings me happiness.  Working for others generally benefits other people more than it does for myself.  With that said, all of these titles (Personal Chef.....) will be done as an entrepreneur.  My faith combined with 13+ years in retail, 11+ years in a the corporate setting, the Business Administration degree that I almost earned, and not to mention my SPARKLING personality should get me to the place that God has determined I'm going to be! 

"All Things Divine" was a business name that came to me several years ago at some random moment in the car.  Realizing that all things are a gift from God, whether they are given through tragedy or with joy.  "There's a blessing in every lesson" (thanks India Arie for that line!) and it's only by God's divine works that we have life and all that life entails. 

Q: Why blog about it?

A: "Ask and you shall receive"!  Since my company's decision to close, and my announcement of what I was going to do, many people have expressed that they'd like to either keep in touch personally, know more about the Culinary industry, get recipes, etc.  Until I launch the website, this blog will do!

Q: What do YOU want to hear/see?

A: ???????  Post your comments, questions, and feedback here OR email me at

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