Now, THAT'S good eatin'!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Exactly where I want to be!

Around this time last year, I learned that I was being laid of my job and couldn't have been more excited!  That was confirmation for me that something spectacular was in store for me.  Fast forward, 12 months later, now that I'm living the dream, I couldn't be happier!

Everyday is a new adventure; I've concurred everythings thats been thrown my direction.  If I could do life all over again - I wouldn't change a single thing!  I'm learning so much new information and every bit of it just solidifies the fact that I'm on the path that God has laid for me to follow. 

Last week I was talking to a friend who also is at a point of transition in her life - she, too, is in a place where everything is, well, right.  It's amazing be in this place where you can look back at all that you've gone through, good and bad, and be thrilled to have learned so much from each encounter and situation.  What's even more fascinating is to be in LOVE with your current situation and have such a great outlook on the present and future. 

I'm exactly where I've wanted to be in so many aspects of life and it's amazing to me how everything came together at the time that it did.  I'm so thankful.  God is good; try him!

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