Like a Roulette ball, I've spun in circles a few times but believe I've fallen into place. Only in the second week/fourth day of classes, I'm starting to get the hang of my new life. I've began developing friendships with classmates, learning (and in some cases disliking) the teaching styles of my instructors, becoming accustomed to my new schedule, re-establishing study habits, the list goes on...
In addition to academics, this week I have found myself using skills I've long possessed. Yesterday I facilitated a work group and offered relevant opinions and observations in discussions. Just this morning I helped an older student with a homework assignment when he found himself in unfamiliar land (using a computer). It excites me to do the things that I've always done except for doing these things in a different setting. Reflection tells me that I've always done well at adapting to change while reality reminds me that I'd had a while to adapt.
School has also brought about a great deal of entertainment. Finding humor in younger students' immaturity is at the top of the list. "Who acts like that?!?!?" In one class this week, I ran around a restaurant dining room 4 times racing with empty trays, plated trays, and coffee cups. Yes, I physically ran! No, no one recorded and you will NOT find it on YouTube! Yes, I lived to tell about it. (I digress). This afternoon, I climbed a rock wall outside the student services building and toured the campus' fitness center.
Tomorrow I'll order my chef's coats and pants and other uniforms - which, beginning next Tuesday, will end my dilemma of having to decide what to wear to class for the next 2 years (bummer, right?)! I might be the sexiest thing that a chef's uniform has ever seen!
Life's grand and all is well! I'm still excited about what I'm doing and also about what lies ahead and am extremely proud of what I am reaching toward and have not yet achieved. I wish more people could experience the great joy that I live in right now. Falling into my groove feels better than I'd ever imagined it would!
Now, THAT'S good eatin'!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
And So It Begins: Culinary School - Day 1
Exhale, yawn, sigh...
What a day! When I put my schedule together back in June, people started to ask me what my schedule looks like. My answer has been: it looks like a job! Tuesday and Thursday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Wednesday/Friday from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. A JOB!!!
Surprise, surprise, I was about 20 minutes late to my 8 o'clock class. Hey, don't judge me! As the day continued on, so did the comic relief! The 9:40 class' instructor reminded me of Charles Osgood (host of CBS Sunday Morning)! He really is a hilarious guy! Here are a few other things that made me giggle:
The next 2 years are going to be great!
What a day! When I put my schedule together back in June, people started to ask me what my schedule looks like. My answer has been: it looks like a job! Tuesday and Thursday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Wednesday/Friday from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. A JOB!!!
Surprise, surprise, I was about 20 minutes late to my 8 o'clock class. Hey, don't judge me! As the day continued on, so did the comic relief! The 9:40 class' instructor reminded me of Charles Osgood (host of CBS Sunday Morning)! He really is a hilarious guy! Here are a few other things that made me giggle:
- The campus map saved my life! From buildings 7, 2, 9, 8, 1, 5 then to parking lot L...yeah, I'm glad I saved it from orientation!
- I have to figure out a way to eat between/during classes! My last significant break is between 8:55 - 9:40 and then I have no more than 10 minutes between classes which I found was just enough to commute on foot to the next class! We all know that I have to eat constantly so this is a problem that must quickly be solved!
- The student accounts office mistakenly dropped me from all my classes...yes, I giggled about this too. It is mostly fixed, although all hell will break loose if this isn't fixed in the next couple days!
- Building 5 stinks like poo! So if you need to visit the library, prepare yourself!
- The cookbook section in the library is AWESOME!!! Today I checked out "Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Julia Child" and "All-American Vegetarian". Waste NO time...
- I've already found myself wanting to choke out several 18 year olds, so pray for me!
The next 2 years are going to be great!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Experienced Taste Testers Wanted!
The comment I’ve heard the most since I told the world my culinary plans has been “…if you need someone to taste what you cook, just let me know…”. It excites me that so many people that I know are comfortable (or brave) enough to desire to consume my cooking! The support and encouragement I’ve received in the past year has been outstanding. Actually, it’s been a little overwhelming as well. It has surprised me that most people are supportive of what my plans are and not as discouraging as what I expected. So, with that said, if you’re behind me, expect an invitation to a dinner-party some time in the future. The encouragement will certainly help to keep my fire burning!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
About "All Things Divine"
Q: Why "All Things Divine"?
A: I am at several points of transformation in my life. In my walk with God, my career and education, as well as in relationships. If you know me personally, you know that I'm going through an exciting time in my life. I'll soon be going back to school to study a field that I've long been interested in - Culinary Arts. Although I'd considered and even attempted to do this a while ago, my attempts were not successful. With my employer's decision to close the division of the company that I work for, however, I quickly realized that my previous attempts were God interceding and reaffirming that I need to follow His path and not my own. I'm truly excited and feel blessed to be going through a layoff! (Who finds joy in losing their job??) This situation is definitely a gift and I cannot be convinced otherwise!
My plan is to be a Personal Chef, Restaurant Consultant, Dietary Manager, and eventually Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist. You'll note that I said "plan" and not "goal"...this is what is GOING to be for my life, NOT what I hope for! By the time you read this, I'll have a few days left before I begin the Culinary Arts program at DMACC. After those short 2 years, I plan to transfer to ISU to study Dietetics and Exercise Science. The plan is to never be employed again! (Yes, you read that correctly!) I've known for a very long time that being employed and working for other people is not what brings me happiness. Working for others generally benefits other people more than it does for myself. With that said, all of these titles (Personal Chef.....) will be done as an entrepreneur. My faith combined with 13+ years in retail, 11+ years in a the corporate setting, the Business Administration degree that I almost earned, and not to mention my SPARKLING personality should get me to the place that God has determined I'm going to be!
"All Things Divine" was a business name that came to me several years ago at some random moment in the car. Realizing that all things are a gift from God, whether they are given through tragedy or with joy. "There's a blessing in every lesson" (thanks India Arie for that line!) and it's only by God's divine works that we have life and all that life entails.
Q: Why blog about it?
A: "Ask and you shall receive"! Since my company's decision to close, and my announcement of what I was going to do, many people have expressed that they'd like to either keep in touch personally, know more about the Culinary industry, get recipes, etc. Until I launch the website, this blog will do!
Q: What do YOU want to hear/see?
A: ??????? Post your comments, questions, and feedback here OR email me at
A: I am at several points of transformation in my life. In my walk with God, my career and education, as well as in relationships. If you know me personally, you know that I'm going through an exciting time in my life. I'll soon be going back to school to study a field that I've long been interested in - Culinary Arts. Although I'd considered and even attempted to do this a while ago, my attempts were not successful. With my employer's decision to close the division of the company that I work for, however, I quickly realized that my previous attempts were God interceding and reaffirming that I need to follow His path and not my own. I'm truly excited and feel blessed to be going through a layoff! (Who finds joy in losing their job??) This situation is definitely a gift and I cannot be convinced otherwise!
My plan is to be a Personal Chef, Restaurant Consultant, Dietary Manager, and eventually Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist. You'll note that I said "plan" and not "goal"...this is what is GOING to be for my life, NOT what I hope for! By the time you read this, I'll have a few days left before I begin the Culinary Arts program at DMACC. After those short 2 years, I plan to transfer to ISU to study Dietetics and Exercise Science. The plan is to never be employed again! (Yes, you read that correctly!) I've known for a very long time that being employed and working for other people is not what brings me happiness. Working for others generally benefits other people more than it does for myself. With that said, all of these titles (Personal Chef.....) will be done as an entrepreneur. My faith combined with 13+ years in retail, 11+ years in a the corporate setting, the Business Administration degree that I almost earned, and not to mention my SPARKLING personality should get me to the place that God has determined I'm going to be!
"All Things Divine" was a business name that came to me several years ago at some random moment in the car. Realizing that all things are a gift from God, whether they are given through tragedy or with joy. "There's a blessing in every lesson" (thanks India Arie for that line!) and it's only by God's divine works that we have life and all that life entails.
Q: Why blog about it?
A: "Ask and you shall receive"! Since my company's decision to close, and my announcement of what I was going to do, many people have expressed that they'd like to either keep in touch personally, know more about the Culinary industry, get recipes, etc. Until I launch the website, this blog will do!
Q: What do YOU want to hear/see?
A: ??????? Post your comments, questions, and feedback here OR email me at
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