Now, THAT'S good eatin'!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Guess Who Made the ROCK STAR List...

Ok.  You get 1 guess!  It's a she, you're reading about her right now, AND she's AWESOME!  If you guessed, yours truly (ME), you are the winner WINNER chicken dinner!

Grades were posted Monday night and I, clears throat, earned 4-A's, and a B.  I'm not at all thrilled about the B, but I also realize that this was the class that I struggled in the most.  So not only am I a rock star, that puts me on someone's Dean's list or President's list or something, right?  I'm so excited that my hard work is paying off [so far].  Additionally, I received the scores from my ServSafe Certification Exam yesterday, and guess who "aced" that one.  Alright, enough with the trivia, we all know it was me...  90% isn't too shabby!  I'm glad to have 13 credit hours of Culinary School under my belt and that things are going SO well!  All of this good news solidifies my thoughts that the near future will be as successful as I want to be!

WHAT'S NEXT?   Well, as mentioned in my previous post, I'm in the works of doing something BIG!  ...and I'm still not going to share.  I should have the wrinkles ironed out of this plan in the next week or so, so you'll need to stay tuned.  In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy the rest of my Winter Break with my son, continue [re]organizing my house and continue on my "out with the old" campaign, and immediately, I'm going to start my cheesecake baking; I only have to bake 11 for Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone - I hope you soon meet the rock star that lives in you!

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